DROP-IN ART MAKING: Family programs,
Rubin Museum of Art, New York. May 2015.

MAN OF PEACE – The Illustrated life story of the 14th DALAI LAMA.
Tibet House, New York. 2011-2012
The story of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, the world’s foremost proponent of peace and nonviolence, as depicted in this full-color graphic novel, tells in its second and third parts of his educational training in childhood to ascend to the height of Buddhist learning and the political leadership of Tibet. He attains maturity and bodhisattvic power just in time to cope head-on with the invasion and occupation of Tibet by Communist China. The clash of implacably opposed cultural forces over the years of occupation leads finally, in 1959, to the young Dalai Lama’s escape, with his family and closest followers, into exile in India.

STUPA ARCHITECTURE, Woodcraft class,
SAY-SI Youth College, San Antonio, Texas. February 2006.
“I thought it would be a great experience for our kids to find out more about Tibetan culture. It’s been wonderful opportunity to work with Rabkar Wangchuk.” Said Victoria Montalto, SAY-SI’s Director of visual art.

THREE SESSION COURSE of creative Sand-Mandala:
Public program, Tokyo Japan. August 2000.